Brooke’s Brainstorms

Resume, application and Letter of Recommendation Tips

Applications and resumes can be intimidating. They are not impossible, just require a little planning, time and editing.

For resumes, check out the Princeton Review website.

Ready to start filling out that job application? This could help.

College applications? This should help.

Letter of Recommendation Question?

Career Quizzes

Looking for a job that fits your interests and skills? Career Wise Career Cluster Survey.  

What about a long term career?  Washington State Career Quiz.

Interested in something in the medical field? Med Certs Healthcare Career Quiz

What is your STEM Type? Take this Quiz to find out:  STEM Type Quiz

StudyInternational Creative Arts Quiz can help you you discover what kind of creative arts job or college arts major you’d like to pursue.

Ever wonder what type of lawyer you would be? Take the American Bar Association Law Career Quiz and find out!